New App for Anxiety and Poor sleep

Introducing “DAYLIGHT” – a digital app to help patients deal with anxiety and worry.

Daylight is a free, evidence based digital app treatment for anxiety and worry. It has been developed by Big Health who are the makers of “Sleepio” an app to treat insomnia. Daylight has been rolled out and used to benefit patients in Scotland for some time, and is now being provided to South Yorkshire.

Daylight delivers CBT, the NICE 1st line recommended treatment for anxiety, via a smartphone app that patients (18+) can access instantly, in their own time and at no cost. Patients do not need to be referred or prescribed the app, they simply need to visit to get started. For healthcare professionals, it provides them with another non-drug option when considering whether to start patients on medications.

Daylight is being provided free to South Yorkshire primary care teams / patients, as part of an economic evaluation partnership, led by South Yorkshire ICB, Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber, and Big Health and it will be live from 9 Sept.

A full pack of materials to support Daylight will be sent to every GP Practice in South Yorkshire, in August. If you would like to look online at the resource pack materials now, you can do so at: Resources ( Daylight will be fully launched across South Yorkshire in September. Video on Daylight for Health Professionals can be found here. Information/video on Daylight for Patients can be found here.